Tuesday, February 21, 2006

High Rollers 2006

I spent this last weekend at the High Rollers Scooter Rally in Las Vegas and boy was it FUN!! So far i've only posted my more artsy photos on flickr but if you visit Scoot.net you can see a whole bunch of photos taken by a whole bunch of people. ENJOY!


The English Beat

Originally uploaded by bellyacher.

Okay, okay...not only have I FINALLY posted photos of the English Beat show at the starline, i also joined flickr. Yay flickr!! Check out the English Beat photos there and look out for more to come. (My friend took so many pictures at the show...SO MANY PICTURES!!... I don't have the time to post them all right now)

Also, Friday Favorites will be back. I keep on half writing entries and then never finishing them. It's very frustrating.
