Wednesday, May 31, 2006


I went to Los Angeles this last weekend and it was fabulous. I brought my camera but only took one photo...and not a very good one at that. We spent a lot of time eating and drinking, as usual, and we even made time to do some shopping. One of the shops we visited was Handmade Galleries in Sherman Oaks. It was a delightful store that had rentable booths for artists and crafters. I could have spent hours there!

Anyway, we had to have our neighbor feed our kitties for the umpteenth time so we bought her a gift...which means i got to wrap it and make a card. Yay!!

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This week I really need to hunker down and make those cards for the Yoshi NOW! market. expect more photos.


Thursday, May 25, 2006


Well, first of all, I finally reeeeally started making cards. My plan is to make a whole bunch and sell them as sets at the Yoshi NOW! 3rd Saturday Flea Market. Here are photos of the first set:

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I made them using printed paper from the crafty store but the center stamp on each card is real. ( I love stamps) The "konnichiwa" one is my favorite but i love them all so much i want to keep them...I guess i should get used to that. Anyway, I have an idea of how i want to package them so I'll post of picture when it's done.

ALSO....I hit the jackpot today. I work for a fabulous printing company that has many many many paper sample books, all filled with paper that is perfectly sized for card decorating. Well, after two months of lusting after those books I was finally given some leftovers:

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Needless to say, I am one HAPPY HAPPY girl.


Saturday, May 13, 2006

Finished Product

In case anyone was wondering, my friend Todd asked for a shirt that says "random acts of monkey." You really have to know him to know how perfect it is for him. Anyway, his birthday is tomorrow but since it also mother's day he is having a shin-dig tonight...which we cannot go to because i have to work and Mykal is DJing all night (at my work).

Sooooo....we're going to his house today with this:

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This is the card...keeping with the monkey theme:

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I'm go glad that I actually got my act together and finished this.


I had this song stuck in my head

For weeks I walked around humming or singing this song, asking random people if it was "Brazil"...because I was pretty sure that it was. Then yesterday, I happened to see this on the Clerkenwell Kid blog.

God I LOVE The Real Tuesday Weld!!! Thank you Stephen!!


Another (better) list update

(X ) Make Todd a freezer paper t-shirt by May 14
( ) Mother's day cards for mummins, (X) Rose, Margaret and grandma by...well, May 14
( ) Make giftie for mummins for Mother's day by...see above
(X ) Make all sorts of goodies for the little sister's 13th birthday by May 19 (day of the big party)

So I stayed up WAY too late last night making a freezer paper stenciled shirt for my friend Todd...but it's DONE!!

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There it is!! I did it!! Yay!! I also made a card for my "Napa mom", Rose...hopefully she will get in time for mother's day. whew! Two projects down...many more to go.


Tuesday, May 09, 2006

How bad am I?

Here's a little "to do list" update. So far I have done NOTHING!! Why am I such a procrastinator?? I should form a support group for chronic procrastinators like myself.


Sunday, May 07, 2006

List of things to do...

I have really been inspired by all of the crafting blogs that I've been reading over the past few months...but I need to move on to the next step:

Time to actually start crafting. Here is my list of projects (complete with due dates)

( ) Make Todd a freezer paper t-shirt by May 14
( ) Mother's day cards for mummins, Rose, Margaret and grandma by...well, May 14
( ) Make giftie for mummins for Mother's day by...see above
( ) Make all sorts of goodies for the little sister's 13th birthday by May 19 (day of the big party)

Whew! I'll be busy

I did make myself a t-shirt in the last two weeks though so I haven't been completely void of craftiness.

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